Pest Control Essex

Wasps Nests In Some Funny Locations In Essex

Wasps Nests In Some Funny Locations In Essex


Now I would not normally be writing blogs about wasps nest in  Essex in November, but after the year we have had with wasps nest nothing surprises me anymore! It’s been terrible for  wasps nests and when I met up with another pest controller all he says is “what a bad year for wasp control”. And I have to agree 100 percent.

Yet, this week I have dealt with two very active nests. The first photo was shot on my IPhone and zoomed in so the photo quality is not the best.











So you can see the nest is very busy and what makes this story even more funny is the fact, that this nest was active at 5 degrees on a very windy day. Wasps are very hardy and can live through what seems very cold conditions. This photo though, is a good pointer for those of you that come across a nest next season. This nest is just below a fascia board in the soffit and is set at a nice height for the wasps to fly in and out.


The next photo is unusual to say the least, but it does show how easy wasps can make a nest









Not the biggest I have treated but still as active. This photo was taken 5 hours later as the wasps would not let me near the bin to take a photo ! Please don’t try and deal with these nests yourselves as the wasps will sting you and attack until you back off to a certain distance. Always call in a pest control company who can deal with this safely for you.










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